First of all, let’s have a look at the usefulness and competence level of the DALF (Diplôme approfondi de la langue française) C1.
The DALF C1 is a certification delivered by the French Ministry of Education and is recognised as fulfilling French language entrance requirements by the French universities. The DALF C1 is therefore designed to offer a high-
The DALF C1 corresponds to the CEFR C1 describing the candidate as a proficient speaker (CEFR is the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
According to the CEFR, the candidate “can understand a wide range of demanding and longer texts and recognise implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use a language flexibility and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well structured detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.”
The DALF C1 requires a high level of language competence which is tested within a rigorous framework. Moreover, it requires a vast knowledge of cultural, social, political, economic and scientific French topics. In addition, you are expected to understand the way French people submit an exam, which can be very different from what you are used to in your own country.
If you have already passed the DELF B2, you may have a fairly good knowledge of the exam strategies, but there is a substantial difference between B2 and C1. Nonetheless, we still find the four language proficiencies of reading, writing, listening and speaking, each worth 25 marks of the 100 total marks. You need to score 50 marks to achieve a pass grade and a minimum of 5 out of 25 in each paper.
Having provided this overview of the DALF C1 and its place within the CEFR, I will now get to the heart of the matter and elaborate on each paper in turn, including content and advice.
L’utilisateur de la langue au niveau C1 est autonome. Il est capable d’établir une communication aisée et spontanée. Il possède un répertoire lexical large et peut choisir une expression adéquate pour introduire ses commentaires. Il produit un discours clair, bien construit et sans hésitation qui montre l’utilisation maîtrisée des structures.
Nature des épreuves : C1 | Durée | Note sur |
Compréhension de l’oral Réponse à des questionnaires de compréhension portant sur des documents enregistrés : – un document long (entretien, cours, conférence…) d’une durée d’environ huit minutes (deux écoutes) – plusieurs brefs documents radiodiffusés (flashs d’informations, sondages, spots publicitaires…) (une écoute). Durée maximale des documents : 10 mn | 0 h 40 environ | / 25 |
Compréhension des écrits | 0 h 50 | / 25 |
Production écrite | 2 h 30 | / 25 |
Production orale | 0 h 30 préparation : 1 h | / 25 |
Durée totale des épreuves collectives : 4 h
* Note totale sur 100.
* Seuil de réussite pour l’obtention du diplôme : 50/100
* Note minimale requise par épreuve : 5/25